Alts Wire to Host Educational Webinar on FINRA RN 15-02

Alts Wire will host an educational webinar to explore the impact of FINRA’s RN 15-02 tomorrow, Thursday, December 17th at 1:00 PT / 4:00 ET.
Mike Shustek, chief executive officer of MVP Realty Advisors, and ADISA chief executive officer, John Harrison, will be joining the discussion.
The Securities and Exchange Commission recently approved the 15-02 amendments to NASD Rule 2340 and FINRA Rule 2310 which will take effect in April 16, 2016. The new modifications will require broker-dealers to provide a per share estimated value of a security on investor statements on a more regular basis than what was previously required.
A number of fundamental changes are taking place throughout the direct investment industry in anticipation of the implementation of 15-02. The webinar, “15-02 and You,” will explore the potential impact of the new regulations.
A question and answer session will follow the presentation. To register, click here.