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Alts Wire Officially Launched One Year Ago Today

Today marks the one year anniversary of Alts Wire’s official launch. Thank you for being loyal readers, supporters, and promoters of the advisor-sold non-traded Direct Investment Industry’s first and only dedicated news publication.

Since our launch, we have grown tremendously, adapting along the way. Originally, Alts Wire set out to be a subscription based service for DI Industry professionals only. Your feedback suggested that model wouldn’t work and we listened.

We then offered free content via a registration requirement designed to again limit access to DI Industry professionals. Logging in each visit became a hassle, so we worked on an upgrade that took months of planning, designing, and testing to make sure we got it right.

November 4th, we announced that our site, as it is today, was live and working properly with free, open access content, a new home page layout for easy navigation, social buttons to provide options for sharing news, and new directory listing features.

Alts Wire’s success has been a joint effort from inside our walls and from all of you, our loyal readers.

Our team today consists of Miriam Prendergast, Senior Reporter & Editor who has been part of the team since the very beginning, Linda Wang, Reporter, had her start as an intern during the summer of 2014 and now works part-time while attending the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Anne Rabbitt, Business Development Consultant, handles sponsorship sales, and myself, Dave LeGacy, Director, Publisher, Founder.

Outside of Alts Wire’s team, we owe thanks to many of you for your on-going support by visiting the site, signing up for email alerts and clicking through to read our content. We thank you for the countless emails and phone calls with compliments and suggestions which have kept us moving forward and improving our service every day.

Recently, Alts Wire added five contributors that write monthly columns based on their areas of expertise. These busy industry professionals offer time from their hectic schedules to produce meaningful and insightful content that delivers value to your businesses. Many thanks to these individuals.

And of course, we are grateful for our advertisers and sponsors. It’s your financial support that has allowed Alts Wire to grow its team, improve our technology, increase our content offerings, and reach more industry professionals.

Our first year has been exciting, rewarding, and motivating to continue to grow and improve our service to you, our readers.

As we add additional sponsors and advertisers, we will continue to grow and offer you more. Our community is strong and thriving. Please continue to share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and of course compliments with our team!

Email us anytime via [email protected]!