Success: It’s About TIME!

Across industries and organizations, people say “give me a little time and the success will come.” “Give me a little time and I’ll reach my goals.” More time is an easy solution leadership teams everywhere get behind with little challenge. Set goals, give the team members product, tools, accountability and time, and the business comes in, goals are reached, the organization grows and everyone succeeds.
Why doesn’t it really work this way? What gets in the way of time influencing success? Rex Cummings said that “time is nature’s way of keeping everything from happening at once.” This viewpoint of time appears to prevail in organizations where success always seems to be only a short time away. But, does this mindset really create success?
I recently heard David Hibbard, the co-author of Soar Selling, speak and he reminded me that real success starts with a shift in mindset and a clear vision. Success comes from a compelling vision, a magnet, pulling someone to a goal, combined with pain and fear pushing them. So, what are the key components of a shift in mindset that leads to success? TIME, of course! Defining and implementing the compelling vision takes TIME.
Tenacity, Intentionality, Message and Energy.
Tenacity: Tenacity is the mindset that anything worth doing takes persistence, strong-will and stubborn determination. This quality is manifested by someone who won’t quit; someone who keeps trying until the goal is accomplished. For all of us, the will to either find a way or make one is a core success component. Talent, genius and education aren’t enough to navigate the long journey to success without tenacity. The tenacious person separates words from action.
Intentionality: What does it mean to be intentional? Is it deliberate, purposeful, willful or is it something more? Truly being intentional requires understanding that our attitudes, feelings, thoughts and actions directly impact every single one of our experiences. Being intentional means making choices based on your greatest values, your purpose (the magnet). It involves taking responsibility and freeing ourselves from self-limiting conditioning; the habits and actions of others. Ann Epstein said, “To be intentional is to act purposefully, with a goal in mind and a plan for accomplishing it.”
Message: Wikipedia defines message as a discrete unit of communication intended by the source for consumption by some recipient or group. Sounds simple enough, but in a world filled with mixed messages, people who are “off- message” and unfocused or confusing messages, there must be more to communicating message. We strive to communicate exactly what we want our audience to know with our words, visions and actions. Consistency of message, born from values, demonstrates integrity, passion and authenticity. As Maya Angelou said, “People will forget what you said; people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Energy: This is the least tangible component but is the straw that stirs the drink. What energy or effort do you bring to your life, your career and to the things you say are important to you? Just showing up and putting in the hours is not enough. Are you bringing energy and enthusiasm to your desired goals and priorities to make them a reality? Others should be drawn to you and your vision, wanting to be part of your sphere of influence.
Think about these pieces of TIME. There is great depth and breadth to explore in each of piece, including how any one piece can act as a catalyst or derailer in a successful career. Over the next several weeks we will explore each TIME piece in order to move the conversation from needing a little more time to “TIME is on my side.”
What will you do today to make this happen?