SEC Deputy Director and Deputy Chief Economist Leaving Risk Analysis Division for Private Sector

Jennifer Marietta-Westberg, deputy chief economist and deputy director of the SEC’s division of economic and risk analysis, is planning to leave the agency after 10 years of public service to join the private sector.
Marietta-Westberg joined the SEC as a visiting scholar in 2006. She became an assistant director in 2010 and was appointed deputy chief economist and deputy director in 2013. In her role, Marietta-Westberg oversees the provision of economic analysis in support of Commission policy and rulemaking in the areas of asset management, broker-dealers, credit rating agencies, and market microstructure. She was elected as the chair of the International Organization of Securities Commissions’ committee on emerging risks in 2015, and oversees many of DERA’s economic analyses in support of international initiatives.
“Jennifer thoroughly understands our capital markets and how regulation affects them,” said Mark Flannery, director of the division of economic and risk analysis. “Her energy and creativity contribute to a broad range of Commission projects, including substantive contributions to Commission actions on money fund reform and broker-dealer rules.”
Prior to joining the SEC staff, Marietta-Westberg was an assistant professor at Michigan State University. She graduated from the University of Iowa with a Ph.D. in finance in 2000. Her research interests include initial public offerings, universal banking, and investments, and her research has been published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Journal of Corporate Finance, and European Financial Management.