Provasi Capital Partners to Distribute Quaker Event Arbitrage Fund

Provasi Capital Partners LP announced that Quaker Event Arbitrage Fund has joined the company’s investment platform. The fund—a multi-strategy “event-driven” fund—is focused on long-term growth of capital that invests in securities of issuers that are experiencing corporate events.
Event-driven investing focuses on company-specific events, which can include mergers, acquisitions, distressed securities, activist situations, liquidations, and other investment opportunities borne out of a change in a company’s capital structure. These changes have the ability to capitalize on pricing inefficiencies that have the potential to generate attractive returns.
“When Thomas Kirchner opened the fund in 2003, the event-driven investment strategy was virtually unknown to all but institutional investors. This liquid, transparent, lower cost event-driven vehicle was the next step in the evolution of the alternative mutual funds that Quaker has been offering since 1996,” said Justin Brundage, president of Quaker Funds Inc. “We believe this partnership will allow the fund to reach a larger audience, based on the strength of Provasi Capital Partners’ advisor network.”
Provasi Capital Partners LP offers access to specialized investment strategies through a multi-manager approach presenting advisors and their clients with unique options for allocating capital, managing risk and diversifying assets.

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