KBS Growth & Income REIT Advisor Waives Certain Fees in Second Quarter

KBS Growth & Income REIT Inc., a publicly registered non-traded real estate investment trust, renewed its advisory agreement with KBS Capital Advisors LLC, which agreed to waive asset management and acquisition fees for the second quarter of 2017.
According to the most recent quarterly filing, the REIT normally pays its advisor an annual 1.6 percent asset management fee and a 2 percent acquisition fee.
The REIT’s new DRIP share prices also went into effect on April 28th. Class A and Class T shares will be priced at $9.40 each and will remain in effect until the company announces a new estimated net asset value per share. Previously, Class A and Class T shares were priced at $9.88 and $9.50 each, respectively.
KBS Growth & Income REIT was formed in January 2015 and has raised a combined $80 million in its private and public offerings, that latter of which commenced in April 2016. The company currently owns three properties with an investment cost of $136.8 million, according to Summit Investment Research.
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