Introduction to Tax Topics with Don Deans, CPA, PFS

I will be writing articles for Alts Wire on Tax Issues. These articles will appear on a semi-regular basis. As a CPA and former Deloitte partner, my passion has always been to help people become more successful, and accordingly, give them ideas to help their clients.
Those who know me know I am either a frustrated actor, or educator, or both. In my world, I find the most rewarding way to help people is to minimize their tax burdens. I am a Geek who spends hours scanning the “net” and the tax code to find legal ways for my clients to defer or avoid taxes.
Since I do not have a patent on this process, I would enjoy participation from each of you. Let me know what is working for you all, or what ideas you might like for me to research. I have no pride of authorship and will gladly share all ideas accordingly. Let’s make this as interactive as possible!
Even though we are Alts Wire, I will go beyond a focus on tax aspects of certain alternatives. I will also address other areas that may affect you and your clients. Examples of this will be discussions of the recently issued regulations on Longevity Annuities and the changes dealing with deferred Annuities as investments in 401(k) plans.
My goal is not to make these articles academic treatises, but rather to deliver clear, concise, and thought-provoking ideas. Hopefully you can all recognize a client that can benefit from these ideas. I hope I can capture your attention and find ideas that will benefit your clients. If that happens, we at Alts Wire will feel that we have been successful.
In the coming months, I will teach on tax planning ideas for Fiscal 2014, keep an eye and ear open on Washington, and address issues that affect us ALL!
A lot can be accomplished before 12/31/14!!!