IBD Provides Advisors Revenue Analysis Tool

Independent broker-dealer Securities America (SA) recently announced a revenue analysis tool for its advisors. The Revenue & Opportunity Diagnostic (R&O Diagnostic) allows advisors to evaluate the current state of their businesses and identify risks to their practices while providing opportunities to protect and increase future revenue.
Specifically, the R&O Diagnostic provides three reports that monitor revenue by household, practice performance predictions, and assets by age. Additionally, advisors are offered up to two hours of consultation with the SA Practice Management Team for a fee.
“The diagnostic gives advisors data and analysis paired with our coaching expertise to look at their business differently and if needed, reshape their book,” said Kirk Hulett, executive vice president of strategy and practice management at Securities America.
Advisors are business owners usually working “in” their businesses, i.e., working with clients. Tools like the R&O Diagnostic aim to make working “on” the business more efficient.
“We understand it is difficult for many advisors to take time away from clients to perform an independent analysis, so offering this solution allows them to gain the necessary information without sacrificing time dedicated to their clients,” added Hulett.
SA frequently introduces new tools and resources aimed at helping advisors run their businesses more efficiently. In early November the IBD announced a new mobile app for its advisory platform Managed Opportunities®.