GIREX Announces Fourth Consecutive Distribution Increase

Griffin Institutional Access Real Estate Fund (NASDAQ:GIREX) (NASDAQ:GCREX) (NASDAQ:GRIFX), a closed-end interval fund sponsored by Griffin Capital Corp., increased its third quarter distribution to shareholders of record as of September 22, 2015.
The distribution of $0.33969 for Class A, $0.33956 for Class C, and $0.33982 for Class I, a 5.2 percent annualized distribution rate, represents the fund’s fourth consecutive distribution increase. The current distribution is up from 5.16 percent last quarter.
In other GIREX news, the fund exceeded $200 million in assets under management since its launch in June 2014.
Griffin Institutional Access Real Estate Fund is an actively-managed portfolio of private real estate funds and public real estate securities, diversified by property type and geography, offering daily pricing and periodic liquidity at net asset value. GIREX began reporting on NASDAQ on June 30, 2014 with an initial share price of $25.00 and reported a share price of $25.80 for Class A, $25.79 for Class C, and $25.81 for Class I, as of September 23, 2015.