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DFPG Investments Expands RIA Product Platform

DFPG Investments, a dually-registered independent broker-dealer and investment advisor, expanded its RIA product platform to include a hybrid-robo offering. The new platform is called Indexed Managed Solutions and was formed in partnership with RBC Correspondent Services and State Street Global Advisors.

“The IMS platform was developed in an effort to provide a low-cost solution that also allows for lower account minimums,” said DFPG president Ryan Smith. “As the industry prepares for the potential roll out of the DOL fiduciary rule and as the robo-advisor trend continues, we believe it is important to have a solution that allows our advisors to work with clients at all account levels while maintaining a competitive fee structure.”

DFPG’s RIA platform features a clearing and custody relationship with RBC, a technology solution for investment advisors and their clients, and an in-house CFA that helps manage the various product platforms.

DFPG Investments specializes in working with representatives who want to incorporate alternative investments, with an emphasis in investment real estate, into their business.

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