Commonwealth Capital Engages Valuation Firm to Determine NAV

Commonwealth Capital Corp., a technology equipment leasing company, has engaged DMC Valuations Group, a third party valuation firm, to determine the net asset values for units in all public and private equipment leasing funds currently under management.
The valuations will be available to all broker-dealers with positions in early April, in accordance with FINRA Notice 15-02. The new valuations were used for year-end submission to Stanger, as well as custodial banks. Valuations are based upon the estimated market value of a funds’ assets, and what value may reasonably be expected from both a willing buyer and seller under no compulsion to buy or sell equipment.
Peter Daley, president and owner of DMC Valuations, is an accredited senior appraiser for the discipline of machinery and equipment. He has been valuing equipment since 1985 and has appraised equipment from personal computers to forklifts and from medical equipment to test equipment.
Commonwealth products, both institutional and retail, invest primarily in information technology, medical technology and material handling equipment leases for Fortune 1000 and investment-grade US companies. Commonwealth uses the proceeds of their offerings, operating revenues and debt to purchase business-essential capital equipment, with a focus on technology equipment. The equipment is acquired and leased primarily through operating leases.