Blackstone REIT Lowers Monthly NAV Per Share

Blackstone Real Estate Income Trust, a publicly registered non-traded REIT sponsored by private equity giant The Blackstone Group (NYSE: BX), updated the monthly net asset values for its Class S, Class I, Class D and Class T shares of common stock, as of February 29, 2020.
Blackstone Real Estate Income Trust, a publicly registered non-traded REIT sponsored by private equity giant The Blackstone Group (NYSE: BX), updated the monthly net asset values for its Class S, Class I, Class D and Class T shares of common stock, as of February 29, 2020.
Class S shares, which are purchased through brokerage and transaction-based accounts, have a net asset value per share of approximately $11.44. Last month, Class S shares had a monthly net asset value of approximately $11.50 each.
Class I shares, which have a net asset value per share of approximately $11.42, are sold to endowments, foundations, pension funds and other institutional investors, as well to REIT executives, directors, and their immediate family members. Last month, Class I shares had a net asset value per share of nearly $11.48.
Class D shares have a net asset value per share of approximately $11.27 each and are sold through fee-based programs known as wrap accounts, and through participating broker-dealers, certain registered investment advisers, and through bank trust departments or other organizations. Last month, Class D shares had a NAV per share of approximately $11.33.
Class T shares have a per share NAV of approximately $11.23 and are available through brokerage and transaction-based accounts. Last month, Class T shares had a per share NAV of $11.29.
Blackstone Real Estate Income Trust originally registered $5 billion in shares and accepted gross offering proceeds of $4.9 billion from January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2019. The company later registered a $12 billion follow-on offering, and as of March 20, 2020, had received $7.1 billion in investor proceeds.
As of January 31 2020, the REIT owned a $29.8 billion property portfolio and had positions in real estate-related securities and loans totaling $4.8 billion. The company currently invests in multifamily, industrial, hotel, and retail properties, and real estate-related securities and loans.