Black Creek Diversified Declares Monthly NAV Per Share

Black Creek Diversified Property Fund Inc., a publicly registered NAV-based perpetual life REIT formerly known as Dividend Capital Diversified Property Fund, has updated the monthly per share net asset values for its Class T, Class S, Class D, Class I, and Class E common stock, as of December 31, 2020.
Black Creek Diversified Property Fund Inc., a publicly registered NAV-based perpetual life REIT formerly known as Dividend Capital Diversified Property Fund, has updated the monthly per share net asset values for its Class T, Class S, Class D, Class I, and Class E common stock, as of December 31, 2020.
As of December 31, 2020, the REIT valued all of its shares, as well as its OP units, at $7.5412, representing a slight increase over last month’s NAV per share of $7.5385 each.
The NAV per share is based on the estimated value of the company’s assets, less the estimated value of its liabilities divided by the number of outstanding shares, all as of December 31, 2020. Altus Group U.S. Inc., a third-party firm, assisted with the valuation process.
Rent collections for the month of December were 98.9 percent for the REIT’s office properties, 97.2 percent for retail, 96.9 percent for industrial, and 96.9 percent for multifamily.
As of December 31, 2020, Black Creek Diversified Property Fund owned a portfolio comprised of 57 properties totaling 11.9 million square feet and valued at $2.6 billion. The REIT launched in January 2006 and has raised nearly $2.5 billion, as of September 2020.
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